The Baby is Here!
Baby was born on July 8, 2010 at 4:47am at St. Josef’s Hospital in Wiesbaden, Germany. Talk about a whirlwind of an experience… we barely made it to the hospital. [read more]
Bedrest… really? Ugh… [read more]
I want to spend the whole day at a 45° angle… just enough to keep the preggo bellly from pulling me forward or backward! Also, preggo cankles FTW!! [read more]
I am stuck at home with sciatic nerve pain and an empty fridge. I guess I’m braving the commissary in a few minutes… [read more]
71° and pregnant… and it’s not even May yet. Loving the weather, hating the clothing options [read more]
Mat and I saw the baby today… and its little heart beating so fast! It has finally hit me I think, and now I’m prone to spontaneous fits of uncontrollable happy crying. [read more]
while driving – gas pedal stuck, auto accel on its own. brake won’t depress. put in N, engine revved. rolled to side, turned engine off, put in P. never been so scared. [read more]
Amazing Accident
We were backpacking across Ireland and were relying on buses and walking to get us where we wanted to go. We’d just left Galway and were headed to Kinvara, which we realized after boarding the bus headed west was not a usual stop for the driver. Mat and the driver agreed to keep an eye […] [read more]
Sandhofen, Germany
This is one of my absolute favorite photos I took while walking around Sandhofen (Mannheim) after a rather snowy night. [read more]