
music, tech, and all things nerdy


  • First day at my new job after not working for over a year. Adam Sandler’s “Back to School” song is playing in my head. [read more]

  • Baby finally slept for a 4-hour stretch last night. It’s amazing how sleeping for 4 hours feels so different from sleeping for only 2. [read more]

  • Trying to fall asleep but my darling baby’s nose is whistling. It’s not annoying, it’s hilarious and cute! 😉 [read more]

  • Pets and the Army

    The treatment of pets in relation to the military travel is unacceptable. I didn’t understand fully just how difficult it was to travel with pets until the travel agency didn’t include them on our first itinerary. Something needs to change. Six weeks ago, my husband (sponsor) made travel arrangements through SatoTravel to get our infant, […] [read more]

  • Baby was sitting peacefully watching Baby Einstein, when they stopped playing with toys and got this glazed over look on their face. I should’ve known something was up. I hate poopie pants. [read more]

  • I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is Baby rolled over for the first time. The bad news is that it was from the couch onto the floor. She’s fine, but I’m a hot mess. [read more]

  • I’m staring at Baby while they sleep, thinking, “when they’re a teenager, they’re gonna call me a stalker…” [read more]

  • Yesterday, baby was in mom’s lap almost upside down and head buried in her arm at a 45 degree angle, and they were passed out. Last night, baby slept from 1am-6am, all because I put them on their stomach. Books be damned, babies can sleep in all kinds of positions! [read more]

  • Well, I won’t be putting mustard on any food at any time in the near future… [read more]