July 1992: The summer before my junior year of high school, I was in a very bad bicycle accident. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but the gist of it is I was riding down a curve in the middle of town, and my bicycle’s front tire seized up. It stopped, I didn’t. I literally […] [read more]
So, I’ve been looking into hyaluronic acid. I know, most of you just went 🥱😴💤. Anyway…. [read more]
New Year
This year, 2023, will not be about making any major resolutions, I’m not vowing to accomplish something big, I’m not looking to prove anything to anyone. [read more]
Getting healthy
I get prompts every day at 10am to write in my blog. I’m never sure what to write, so I haven’t been. However, I do want to journal and start being better about putting my feelings and activities into words, so here goes… I’ve started a health program. This is not something I would normally […] [read more]
Cool thing I learned this week 🎶
At its very essence, playing a wind instrument can be a form of self-care. [read more]