Random happy memory
Traveling to Murray after school every Monday for clarinet lessons. I loved having the freedom to drive myself and to hang out with friends and have a little dinner before coming back to town. Those were some of my favorite memories from high school. [read more]
Kiddo and I spent some time looking up the locations of the AppleTV screen savers. The one we were looking at was from Dubai. When hubby got home he asked Alexa to play a song, to which Kiddo asked Alexa to play a different song. The Alexa war escalated to the point that random songs […] [read more]
I’m constantly forgetting my tuner at rehearsals. This has become a pain, because I leave it at home on my music stand, then rush out the door without checking. So, I’ve started looking for a tuner app for my iPhone. Cleartune is my app of choice. It’s amazing! This is the best tuner I’ve come […] [read more]
Hand Position
This post describes the best way to place your hands when playing clarinet. This is a great check-up for anyone who’s put the instrument down for a while, or if you’re just starting to play clarinet for the first time. Right Hand Placement This thumb is used to hold the instrument up in place. The […] [read more]
How to Keep That Gig
“One bad apple spoils the bunch.” We’ve all been in an environment where one person seemed to always be a naysayer. They’re either a hot-head, a know-it-all, or the passive-aggressive type who mumbles under their breath about how things should be done. This is the exact opposite of what needs to happen in any group […] [read more]
Philosophy of Music Education
Music is an academic subject which ties together other subjects such as math, reading, history, and writing. It is also a subject in which a student can learn qualities that are not academic, such as self-discipline, respect for other people, and how to work alone and with others towards set goals. It is a learning […] [read more]
Evolution of the Clarinet 1600-1800
The so-called chalumeaux may be allowed to voice their somewhat howling symphony of an evening, perhaps in June or July and from a distance, but never in January at a serenade on the water.1 With the stream of negative comments like the one above found throughout writings of the 16th and 17th centuries, it is […] [read more]