Resounding Impact
On what would have been his 74th birthday, former students, colleagues, friends, and family gathered to celebrate the life and legacy of Dallas Tidwell, a beloved clarinetist, teacher, and friend. [read more]
July 1992: The summer before my junior year of high school, I was in a very bad bicycle accident. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but the gist of it is I was riding down a curve in the middle of town, and my bicycle’s front tire seized up. It stopped, I didn’t. I literally […] [read more]
Year 12
Just finished a day of clarinet (and 2 oboes) judging. It’s my favorite non-dayjob job. ❤️ [read more]
Seeking Equipment Recommendations
I am asking for equipment suggestions. I’m ok with my sound but feel like it could definitely be better. Being so far removed from the college scene, I feel I’ve been somewhat stuck in a rut (not really) using the same equipment recommended to me by my absolute favorite clarinet professor, the late Dallas Tidwell, but that was 2006-2008. Even so, I feel it’s time to upgrade. [read more]
Cool thing I learned this week 🎶
At its very essence, playing a wind instrument can be a form of self-care. [read more]
Solo & Ensemble – Reflections
I love being a judge for solo & ensemble. As someone who is no longer immersed in the music education world, this is one of my few chances left to experience music on the middle school and high school level. [read more]
Why Play Clarinet?
Dallas Tidwell was an inspiration. I think of him every time I get out my clarinet or step foot on UofL campus. [read more]
Compare Yourself to You, Yesterday
Hey there! I just want to take a moment to say thank you to Ashleigh Hardin for asking me to do an interview on her podcast, A.Typical. I was so nervous, but I had a great time! Y’all, this podcast is just starting out but it’s got great topics and a bright future! Check out […] [read more]