Kiddo jerked my iPad from me and said, “mine.” First time they’ve used that word and first time that ever happened. Crap. [read more]
Recently I’ve had a lot of exposure to Christian intolerance through the news, friends, etc. Due to this, my thoughts about Christianity have been a bit confusing. So, I decided to do a Google search for Christianity teaches tolerance. One article in particular caught my eye. Note: sections taken from the article will be indented. […] [read more]
Sis took Baby downstairs, and I slept in for the first time in… I can’t remember the last time I got up after 6:30am. [read more]
Baby has what seems like hundred of toys; they’d rather play with my set of Sharpie markers. They don’t use them, they just enjoy pulling them out of the pencil holder, matching up different colors, and putting them back! 🙂 [read more]
Baby had 102°F temp at 11:45pm, hit 104°F by the time I made it to the ER. Their ear infection is back. They were shivering so bad teeth were chattering. I’ve never been so scared in my life. They’re fine now, started ear drops and antibiotics. Just about to go down for the night. [read more]
Baby isn’t just getting care during the day anymore, they’re getting an education! Thank you, Brilliant Minds Academy! 🙂 [read more]
When Mat went to pick up Baby today, he saw them leaning against some stackable toys, just staring off into space. No one was checking on them, no one was involving them in an activity. Of course when Baby saw Daddy they brightened up and ran over. And the teachers call them anti-social why? Because […] [read more]
Text from Mat, “Baby is having braunschweiger and blueberries. Do you see what happens when I’m in charge? Things get awesome.” [read more]
Letter to Fort Knox CDC
First Letter: Ms. Jones, This letter is written to inform you that, as of October 14, I have reported Fort Knox Child Development Center to the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The incident on October 12 was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. I requested a phone call from you […] [read more]