The Next-Level WordPress Developer
Gabriel Pleszowski Good, fast, cheap Focus on best practices in WordPress and PHP to get faster Six most requested skills: Front-End Modern JavaScript knowledge Advanced JavaScript Frameworks (React, Angular) Responsiveness Mobile First Bootstrap An Eye for Design Proper HTML & CSS (of course) WooCommerce 30%-40% all e-commerce sites API Integrations REST API specifically WP has […] [read more]
Analyze, Plan and Execute: Creating an effective SEO & Content Marketing Plan
Ryan Erwin Google tag managerAnalyticsHttps/ssl and force itRobots fileTinypngWP cacheMarathon, not a sprintTRAIN search engines and plugins to behave as desiredSchedule regular updates (crawl rate)Mouse recordingHotjar mentioned againAnalyze, plan, rinse, repeat Consider monthly contracts with clients (security, maintenance, etc.) [read more]