Brad Ritchie
Brad, an accomplished composer with a distinct voice in contemporary music, now has an online home that truly reflects his creative world. To bring his compositions and projects to life, I added custom features designed specifically for his work. The site includes an interactive portfolio where visitors can explore his compositions, alongside multimedia elements that […] [read more]
Full Moon in Cancer
Major themes: emotional security, feelings, belonging, nurturing, healing, empathy, home, memories, intuition When the Moon transits Cancer, she’s the pure Moon Goddess, bathing in the light of her own sign. And she loves being at home here, on the shore of herself. This mysterious muse sends her moonbeams of feeling into the night, catching all […] [read more]
I had a stalker.
This is my attempt at the recollections of the stalker I had during middle school. [read more]
Reclaiming a song… no, wait, never mind
My ex made a mixed tape for his extracurricular for her birthday. I had no idea at the time, but she’d made one for him in return. [read more]
My first abusive relationship was with God
Taught to distrust my instincts, suppress my needs, and stifle my authentic emotions. Indoctrinated with the notion of my inherent worthlessness and sinfulness. Conditioned to believe salvation lay in total submission to a divine will, regardless of the consequences. Warned that questioning or opposing this treatment would lead to ostracism. And throughout, I was led […] [read more]
Venus Rx
Venus is all about love and abundance. When it goes backward, it’s about reevaluating and connecting to the past. It’s a good time to: Source: Yasmin Boland [read more]