Imbolc 🌱🔥
Other Names Imbolg, Imbolq, Olmeic, Candlemas, Bride Day, Brigid, and Brigid’s Day Related Holiday Valentine’s Day Colors White, Red, Pink, Pale Green Foods baked goods, butter, cheese, dried fruit, lamb, milk, mutton, seeds, winter vegetables Stones amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise Symbols candles, cauldron, chalice, cow, sheep, swan Flowers/Plants angelica, basil, bay laurel, celandine, […] [read more]
New Year’s Eve in Germany
In Germany, the New Year would be celebrated by neighborhoods shooting off fireworks at midnight. I have a vivid memory of walking down to the edge of the army apartments in Wiesbaden — champagne bottle in hand, ready to share with whoever would be at the lookout — and seeing the city from an amazing […] [read more]
The Princess Bride / Star Wars Crossover
Here is the transcription of the GENIUS crossover that is The Princess Bride / Star Wars (originally from Reddit): “Hello. My name is Luke Skywalker. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” “Never go up against a Mandalorian when death is on the line!” immediately falls into Sarlacc pit “Bye, boys! Have fun storming the […] [read more]