Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
“The staff was to be 6 kadam high (about 72 inches). Then, subtract 1 kadam to honor the Hebrew God.” That makes the staff about 60 inches tall, about 5 feet. So, is Indiana Jones like 4 feet tall? [read more]
Louisville has a sense of humor ❤️
Sign says, “the worst part about quarantine was the Dementors [read more]
Lughnasadh 🍞🌾🔥
Other Names Lughnasad, Lugnassad, Lunasa, Fire Festival, First Harvest Colors Yellow, Orange, Gold Foods grapes, wine, beer, bread, grains, blackberries, pears, raspberries, currants, corn Stones citrine, peridot, carnelian, gold topaz, clear quartz, amber Symbols dollies, wheat, bread, cauldron, corn, herbs, threshing tools Flowers summer flowers Lughnasadh, the third Cross Quarter Day of the year, marks […] [read more]
Litha ☀️🌺
Other Names Midsummer, St. John’s Day, Longest Day & Shortest Night, Summer Solstice Colors look to nature for the colors of Litha, as seen in the sky, woods, and flowers Foods honey, elderberry, strawberry, fennel, thyme, fresh greens, mead, light wines Stones peridot, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli Symbols Spear (God) and Cauldron (Goddess), bonfire, sunwheels […] [read more]