If I’ve learned anything from video games, it’s that if you run into an enemy, you’re going in the right direction. [read more]
If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all. Yogi Bhajan [read more]
The only thing to be scared of is tomorrow. I don’t live for tomorrow. Never saw the fun in it. Denny Crane [read more]
Full Moon
harvestforgivenessassess + align Irish: An Ghealach Mhór Considered the most powerful phase, representing enlightenment, intuition, and heightened spiritual energy Begins: 15-18.5 days after New Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
New Moon
new beginnings, clean slategrowing light, potentialdream + manifest Irish: Lá Mhór Beginning of the lunar cycle Begins: 1-3.5 days after the Balsamic Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
Getting healthy
I get prompts every day at 10am to write in my blog. I’m never sure what to write, so I haven’t been. However, I do want to journal and start being better about putting my feelings and activities into words, so here goes… I’ve started a health program. This is not something I would normally […] [read more]
Pippin’s Pop-up Pancakes
Ingredients: 4T butter 3 eggs 1/2 c egg whites 1 c milk 1/2 t salt 1 c flour Directions: Add butter to 9×13 pan and place in 400° oven. In a mixing bowl, add eggs, egg whites, milk, and salt and blend. Add flour and mix till lumpy. Take the pan out of the oven, […] [read more]
Love yourself, friends, all your quirks, idiosyncrasies, psychoses, worries, frets, obsessions, anything and everything that makes you you. [read more]
Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Person 1: I’ll keep observing Columbus Day, thanks. Person 2: What do you do to “observe” Columbus Day? Get lost in a grocery store looking for spices? Below is what the White House posted on October 12, 2020 (for context, this was from during the end of the Trump Administration). Someone on Facebook fixed it. […] [read more]