
music, tech, and all things nerdy


  • Love & Sweetness Candle dressing

    Not all candle dresings have to include oil. There are many other creative and meaningful ways to make your herbs stick to your candle, like in this recipe. Instead of using oil, the candle will be coated with maple syrup. As a sugary liquid, maple syrup is associated with sweetness and attraction. If you find […] [read more]

  • Grounding Candle Dressing

    This candle dresing is meant to be used when casting grounding spells, while decompressing after a challenging day, or when you are struggling to keep your mind firmly planted in reality. The dried plant ingredients are best found in your own backyard or park because they’re directly connected to the earth spirits where you live, […] [read more]

  • Banishing Candle Dressing

    This mixture is best used or black candles, but any color will do in a real pinch. The combinations of ingredients in this dressing create a strong odor that may be less than pleasant. Remember, its purpose is to repel unwanted energy, people, or things–not to attract them with lovely aromas! You can use this […] [read more]

  • Intuitive Guidance Candle Dressing

    Often in life we find ourselves in situations where it’s difficult to separate a gut feeling from facts. Life is full of contradictions, and sometimes it can be impossible to know which way to turn, which course of action to take, or what is really right for you. This candle dressing can be used whenever […] [read more]

  • Sunshine Power Candle Dressing

    This candle dressing harnesses the power of the Sun and is best used on a yellow or orange candle. This recipe can be included in spells for success, in-spiration, and growth of all kinds. It can also be put on a candle and burned in a space that simply needs a boost of joy. For […] [read more]

  • Strength and Hope Candle Dressing

    Evergreens of all kinds are brought indoors for decoration during the winter months because they are symbols of hope and a reminder that growth will prevail. Trees like pine, cedar, and spruce stand strong and sturdy even in the harshest climates, displaying resilience and an amazing ability to thrive in the face of adversity. This […] [read more]

  • Spiritual Cleansing

    My spirit has become heavy, my burden too great. The earthly and the divine meet to cleanse my spirit. From the center of my heart I release these heavy stones;I release unwanted thoughts;I release all that I have outgrown. I am free of spiritual traps;I am cleansed of my confusion;I am balanced and purified;this pain […] [read more]

  • Unprocessed trauma doesn’t have an expiration date

    This resonates with me so much. And, I heard it in a TikTok, of all places. [read more]

  • This is 47.

    This is 47.

    A few weeks ago, I leveled up. I hardly ever wear makeup. In this photo, I’m not wearing any. I still deal with acne. You can see a little spot just above my lip. I don’t do my hair, unless you count adding a leave-in conditioner some level of styling. I tend to let it […] [read more]