
music, tech, and all things nerdy


  • Spiritual Cleansing

    My spirit has become heavy, my burden too great. The earthly and the divine meet to cleanse my spirit. From the center of my heart I release these heavy stones;I release unwanted thoughts;I release all that I have outgrown. I am free of spiritual traps;I am cleansed of my confusion;I am balanced and purified;this pain […] [read more]

  • Full Moon

    harvestforgivenessassess + align Irish: An Ghealach Mhór Considered the most powerful phase, representing enlightenment, intuition, and heightened spiritual energy Begins: 15-18.5 days after New Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]

  • Green Calcite

    Green Calcite is a stone close to our hearts — and it should be close to yours, too. It’s essential for your heart chakra, allowing you to release negativity, doubts, and old patterns. You’ll find yourself opening up to new opportunities that serve you. Use this stone daily during meditation practice, or just when you’re […] [read more]

  • Indonesian Amber

    Indonesian Amber is the perfect stone to take you out of that winter funk for good. Known as the joy and positivity stone, this gem is excellent in all aspects of the word. It has healing powers for both mental and physical ailments, and will surely supplement even the most well0rounded self-care practices. Bring out […] [read more]

  • Indigo Gabbro

    This beautiful combination of stone, also known as Mystic Merlinite, is full of depth. It lives up to its mythological namesake, as its cloudy, glittering surface indicates a magical essence. Use this stone as an escape from the worries of our modern times. Allow it to free your consiousness, opening you up to more relaxation […] [read more]

  • Rose Quartz

    Known for its powers of love, beauty, and compassion, rose quartz is an especially dynamic stone. While typically tied to romantic love, you’ll find the energies of this translucent gem spilling into all aspects of your personal relationships. Rose quartz is most potent when worn on your person, close to your heart. Place it in […] [read more]

  • Flourite

    Modern life is a blessing, but its multitude of choices can sometimes seem overwhelming — even simple decisions, like whether to plant poppies or pansies this summer. Flourite can help you navigate ”burnout” energy by restoring vibrational balance and mental clarity. Known for an ability to transform negative energy into positive energy, hold onto luminescent […] [read more]

  • Blue Tiger Eye Gemstone

    Embrace the power in the harshness of this winter season through the protective and confident blue tiger eye gemstone. This stone is known to aid the user during times of transition, helping you to manifest and visualize. Hold this stone before your meditative practice to set intentions and release any negativity. It is especially useful […] [read more]

  • Ruby Zoisite

    Magical Properties: Independence, Vigor, Passion, Fertility, Ambition Increases originality. Psychic: AIDS psychic abilities including the ability to easily enter a trance state. Physical: Assists with recovery after long periods of illness or stress. Helps heal diseases of sex and reproductive organs, neutralizes acid reflux and acts as a sleep aid for insomniacs. [read more]