
music, tech, and all things nerdy


  • January Full Moon Ritual

    January’s full moon is a powerful time for divination. Align with this months’ moon magic to map out your personal energies for the year ahead. This ritual begins on the day of the full moon and continues for 11 days after. These 12 days represent the 12 months of the year. You’ll need a tarot […] [read more]

  • Full Moon Ritual

    You’ll Need The Ritual Cleanse your space and tools. Ground and center your energy. Light the candle. Watch as the flame dances, bobs, and spins on the wick. Feel the light of the flame flow into your body and your being. Notice what emotions rise to the surface. Hold space for anything that comes up […] [read more]

  • New Moon Cleansing Bath Ritual

    A cleansing New Moon bath, or shower, resets your energies for the coming lunar cycle and allows you to release any energies that no longer serve you. You’ll need: Find a quiet time during the New Moon phase when you can relax. Cleanse your space and ingredients. Get yourself into a magickal, joyful frame of […] [read more]

  • Sunday

    Ruled by: Sun Apollo’s Day Integrity, individuality, contact with the inner Self. Manifestation in the material world. Focus on health & wellbeing, creativity, goal setting, achievement and success. Spells: success, personal growth, health, creativity, wealth Magickal influence: healing, spirituality, success, strength, protection [read more]

  • Saturday

    Ruled by: Saturn Solitude, asceticism, purification. Spiritual growth, self-knowledge. Gaining experience. Humility, maturity. It’s a day for self discipline and personal transformation, get organised at home and work on grounding. Spells: protection, banishment, psychic attack, cleansing, self-improvement, transformation Magickal influence: longevity, endings, homes [read more]

  • Friday

    Ruled by: Venus Freya’s Day Beauty and creativity, extraordinary thinking, imagination. The ability to enjoy all the blessings in life. Friday is all about love, friendship. beauty, harmony, balance and self care. Spells: romance, love, passion, fertility, beauty, friendship Magickal influence: love, friendship, reconciliation, beauty All bright shades [read more]

  • Thursday

    Ruled by: Jupiter Thor’s Day Spirituality, charity, connection to higher powers. Abundance, unification of spiritual and material. Obtaining and transferring. The focus is on expansion, abundance, prosperity, business, and legal matters. Spells: abundance, money, luck, career, leadership, legal & contracts Magickal influence: expansion, money, prosperity, generosity [read more]

  • Wednesday

    Ruled by: Mercury Norse God (W)Odin’s Day The energy of communication, contact, networking. Ease in obtaining and understanding information and intellectual pursuits. Today is all about messages, communication, reading, writing, study, travel and the arts. Spells: communication, business, studies, writing, travel, wisdom, money, luck Magickal influence: study, travel, divination, wisdom [read more]

  • Tuesday

    Ruled by: Mars Norse God Tyr’s Day Decisiveness, activity, male energy. Willpower, setting boundaries, moving forward. Deal with challenges, make decisions, be assertive and aim for victory. Spells: action, courage, self-esteem, defensiveness, power, victory, justice, success, passion Magickal influence: passion, courage, aggression, protection [read more]