Any emotion, not just a romantic one, can be unrequited. [read more]
Vision Update
It’s been 3 years, to the month (April 2018), that I started losing vision in my right eye (after losing vision in my left eye). I had migraines like I’d never had before, optometrists gave me steroid drops and told me to cut back on computer work, and I was given no answers as to […] [read more]
COVID times suck.
Absolutely all of us are affected by the pandemic. But, sitting in your bubble and complaining while doing nothing will solve nothing. Let’s try to pull together and support one another. Please try to show a little LOVE to those around you. Many feel isolated, alone, and that they’re the only ones struggling in a […] [read more]
My 2018
My 2018… wasn’t so great. I didn’t talk about it very much on social media, so apologies if this is surprising to some of you. I lost my sight, barely avoided a diagnosis of MS or brain tumor and instead was told I have atypical optic neuritis. On top of that, kiddo was in the […] [read more]
Quick Update
Things I haven’t drank since July 1: Cow’s Milk Coffee beverages Alcohol Things I haven’t eaten since July 20: Fast food Carbonated beverages Refined sugars / sweeteners Artificial colors / flavors Processed foods Things I haven’t experienced since July 1: Headaches Upset stomach Trouble sleeping Self-loathing Things I have experienced since July 1: Meditation More […] [read more]
Health update
Things I haven’t drank since July 1: Cow’s Milk Coffee beverages Alcohol Things I haven’t eaten since July 20: Fast food Carbonated beverages Refined sugars / sweeteners Artificial colors / flavors Processed foods Things I haven’t experienced since July 1: Headaches Upset stomach Trouble sleeping Self-loathing Things I have experienced since July 1: Meditation More […] [read more]
Another Eye Appointment Complete
Since my last visit, my right eye has gone from 20/100 to 20/70, while the left eye stayed at 20/30. My color vision (what I call “static”) is still not great, but doc says it’s one of the last things to return. He did remind me that the fact that I can see so well […] [read more]
A little more
Each day I see a little further and a little more detail. Today I squinted involuntarily for the first time in weeks. Planes are no longer smudges in the sky. [read more]
Quick Update
Today, all the texts have been set back to normal size! [read more]