Waning Crescent Moon
healingsoothingsurrender Irish: Caidreamh Gan Fás Represents rest, rejuvenation, and introspection also called the Balsamic Moon Begins: 10.5 days after Full Moon, continues to beginning of New Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
Last Quarter Moon
re-evaluatebalancetrust Irish: An Chéad Chrua Associated with forgiveness, closure, and preparation for new beginnings Begins: 7-10.5 days after Full Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
Waning Gibbous Moon
relaxacceptregroup Irish: Bruíon Caidreamh Symbolizes release, letting go of what no longer serves you, and reflection also called the Disseminating Moon Begins: 3.5-7 days after Full Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
Waxing Gibbous Moon
tweakhoneadjust Irish: Óir Caidreamh Represents abundance, fertility, and the fulfillment of goals Begins: 10.5-15 days after New Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
First Quarter Moon
challengesconfidencecommitment Irish: An Chéad Chuar Associated with taking action, making decisions, and moving forward Begins: 7-10.5 days after New Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
Waxing Crescent Moon
couragemoving forwardfaith Irish: Caidreamh Fás Represents increased energy, creativity, and manifestation of desires Begins: 3.5-7 days after the New Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]
New Moon
new beginnings, clean slategrowing light, potentialdream + manifest Irish: Lá Mhór Beginning of the lunar cycle Begins: 1-3.5 days after the Balsamic Moon What to do: Ask yourself: [read more]