
music, tech, and all things nerdy

  • MySQL

    Since SHA-256 password hashing is used by default since version 8 of MySQL, we run into a problem if users created with this encryption are attempted with a WordPress install. Below are the commands for creating a user with the native password setup (1 create user, 2 create database, 3 give user access to database, […] [read more]

  • SSL using LetsEncrypt

    Letsencrypt is what we use to generate our SSL certificates (allows for HTTPS usage). Below are instructions using certbot to generate your certificates. Generating Certificates Each domain has a line as -d within the command. You can add more domains by simply adding a listing in that format and executing the command all at […] [read more]

  • File Permissions

    Occasionally, WP will have a conniption over file permissions and user/group assignments. The commands below will fix those permissions. For Centos: For Ubuntu: For Mac: or: [read more]

  • My 2018

    My 2018… wasn’t so great. I didn’t talk about it very much on social media, so apologies if this is surprising to some of you. I lost my sight, barely avoided a diagnosis of MS or brain tumor and instead was told I have atypical optic neuritis. On top of that, kiddo was in the […] [read more]

  • Quick Update

    Things I haven’t drank since July 1: Cow’s Milk Coffee beverages Alcohol Things I haven’t eaten since July 20: Fast food Carbonated beverages Refined sugars / sweeteners Artificial colors / flavors Processed foods Things I haven’t experienced since July 1: Headaches Upset stomach Trouble sleeping Self-loathing Things I have experienced since July 1: Meditation More […] [read more]

  • Health update

    Things I haven’t drank since July 1: Cow’s Milk Coffee beverages Alcohol Things I haven’t eaten since July 20: Fast food Carbonated beverages Refined sugars / sweeteners Artificial colors / flavors Processed foods Things I haven’t experienced since July 1: Headaches Upset stomach Trouble sleeping Self-loathing Things I have experienced since July 1: Meditation More […] [read more]

  • Always in the Stars

    Right this daytime minute, the stars above are below as well. Under your feet! On the other side of the Earth! Whatever you’re doing right now, you’re doing it in the midst of stars. Wherever you are on the pale blue dot — in Australia, in Alaska, in Guatemala — stars surround and cradle you. […] [read more]

  • Another Eye Appointment Complete

    Since my last visit, my right eye has gone from 20/100 to 20/70, while the left eye stayed at 20/30. My color vision (what I call “static”) is still not great, but doc says it’s one of the last things to return. He did remind me that the fact that I can see so well […] [read more]

  • A little more

    Each day I see a little further and a little more detail. Today I squinted involuntarily for the first time in weeks. Planes are no longer smudges in the sky. [read more]