Full Moon Ritual
You’ll Need The Ritual Cleanse your space and tools. Ground and center your energy. Light the candle. Watch as the flame dances, bobs, and spins on the wick. Feel the light of the flame flow into your body and your being. Notice what emotions rise to the surface. Hold space for anything that comes up […] [read more]
New Moon Cleansing Bath Ritual
A cleansing New Moon bath, or shower, resets your energies for the coming lunar cycle and allows you to release any energies that no longer serve you. You’ll need: Find a quiet time during the New Moon phase when you can relax. Cleanse your space and ingredients. Get yourself into a magickal, joyful frame of […] [read more]
When men refer to themselves as “alpha males,” I hear that in the context of software, where alpha versions are unstable, missing important features, and filled with flaws, making them not fit for the public. [read more]
Michael Tracy
Michael came to me seeking a comprehensive refresh for his website, including updates to the theme, plugins, server, and security. With his vision and feedback, I transformed his existing site into a more user-friendly experience that also captured and expressed his personality. [read more]
People often have no trouble discussing the difficulty of trusting others after experiencing hurt and betrayal. Few acknowledge the challenge of trusting oneself after having one’s instincts and convictions cunningly undermined by someone else. [read more]
In Honor of the Day…
I’m sharing this in celebration of the current holiday. Here’s a passage from Kahlil Gibran’s renowned work, “The Prophet,” which never fails to inspire. [read more]
One thing I learned yesterday was the guys who yell and complain every time Taylor Swift gets mentioned or shown during any NFL game are called BROFLAKES and I’m so here for it. [read more]