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I emailed them on April 17, 2012…. 5 months after their first response…. asking for an update on their “investigation.” This response is the last I heard from them.

April 17, 2012

Sharon Murphy, Complainant

Dear Ms. Murphy:

I am writing to notify you of the current status for the inquiry into your complaint against Fort Knox Child Development Center in Fort Knox, Kentucky. The complaint review remains open at this time. As you can appreciate, and as provided in the NAEYC Complaint Policy, “communications regarding complaints are confidential and not shared with the public.” NAEYC is not a regulatory or an enforcement agency; and therefore does not publicly share detailed information about complaint investigations as it typical for most educational and accreditation organizations in order to preserve the privacy rights of all those involved, including you and your family.

As part of a complaint review and evaluation, a complaint status may remain open for various reasons, including but not limited to the following: The program is pursuing reaccreditation and NAEYC will be using the results of the reaccreditation on-site visit to inform the complaint investigation, the NAEYC Academy has requested additional verification as part of the review. This could include additional documentation from the program, an unannounced visit, or the NAEYC Academy is obtaining information from public sources, such as licensing agencies.

Through reviewing and evaluating complaints the Academy seeks to maintain the integrity of the accreditation system and safety and well being of the children attending accredited programs. Accreditation cannot determine the effectiveness of the program’s negotiation strategies of interactions with an individual parent or family. NAEYC recognizes that a high quality early childhood program is one that can continue to work and change with children and families to best serve their needs. The program has demonstrated that policies and practices are in place as the accreditation criteria recommend.

The final decision of the complaint will be communicated in writing to you and the program. If you have any questions, I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx or


Kita Blackwell
System Integrity Specialist
NAEYC Academy for Early Childhood Program Accreditation