I am not a runner. I am learning to enjoy the peace, quiet, and solitude running gives me. Today was my first 5k, and I did it just for me. My only competition was myself. Having said all that, I just now found my race results. I share because, if and when you decide to run a race, I don’t want you to be ashamed. Here we go:
222 out of 398
Clock time: 44:46.41
Chip time: 44:31.59
Avg pace: 14:22 (my phone said 13:22)
11th in my group, F 40-44, top 34.2%
Things I learned:
- Removing layers before starting was worth it. I would’ve sweat much more, even though the temp was 38°.
- Justin, thanks for the recommendation on the pre/post workout stuff. Gonna do that every time now. 😉
- Walking is fine. Sometimes your body needs to recover.
- The only person you should be in competition with is yourself. Even then, you shouldn’t feel guilty for going slower than ‘last time.’
- If someone who looks older than you or isn’t the same sex as you passes you, don’t get down on yourself. It’s not about age/gender, it’s about ability.