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Beltane 🌹🔥

Celebration of the Growing Season

Other Names

Beltain, Beltaine, BealtaineMay Eve, May Day, Samradh


White, Red, dark green


dairy foods, honey, oats, mead, lamb


sapphire, blood stone, emerald, orange carnelian, rose quartz


Spring flowers (especially the rose), goat, honeybee, fairies, pegasus, rabbits, flower crown, maypole, basket

Flowers & Plants

primrose, lilac, hawthorn, birch, ivy, violet, peppermint, lavender

Beltane, the second Cross Quarter Day of the year, marks the beginning of summer and is celebrated as a time of fertility, growth, and new beginnings. Also known as May Day, this holiday is associated with the goddess Flora and is traditionally observed by decorating with flowers and performing fertility rituals. It is a time to focus on creativity and prosperity, especially if you set intentions at Imbolc and planted seeds at Ostara. Beltane is also celebrated with fire and fertility festivals, where people jump over balefires for protection, dance around the May Pole, and ring bells to ward off bad spirits. As the end of spring planting, Beltane encourages appreciation and affection for the abundance in your life and invites the cultivation of new ideas and concepts.

  • hold a bonfire for family and friends
  • take action on a project you’ve been working on
  • treat yourself to a special meal, music, or aromas
  • decorate a tree with colorful ribbons
  • make flower crowns
  • dress in green
  • walk your property and give thanks